Friday, February 6, 2015

Mac Terminal (Git / Maven / Path)

TO INSTALL AND CLONE A GIT REPO Download Git from Go to Terminal and type
$ git --version
There are times that you'll be asked to install the dev tools for command line, so just proceed with it. Clone Remote Git Repo git clone -b
$ git clone -b my-branch
TO INSTALL MAVEN Download latest maven: Follow the instructions under Unix-based OS (Linux, Solaris, and Mac OSX) If you want to go to /usr/local then you have to move the extracted maven folder using the terminal. Below are sample lines in moving the file
$ sudo mv -f /Users//apache-maven-3.2.5 /usr/local/
**replace to your actual user name, only if that's the location where you've extracted your maven; if not then just type the path to that location **I need to use sudo for the system to allow me to move the file to /usr/local Now I need to add apache maven bin to the paths. If I type "echo $PATH" the maven is still not included. I've edited PATH by
$ sudo nano /etc/paths
While editing the paths you'll find symbols like this ^X below, together with other options. This means Control+X (not Control+Shift+X). And for detailed explanation of java_home in mac, I find this website from apple developer really helpful, Apple Developer Q&A Java_Home. Once you've saved your paths, you should test if maven is properly installed by typing
$ mvn --version
if it does not work, try closing all your terminals and running it again. Then it should work, especially if maven path is showing already in PATH. Use "$ echo $PATH" to show all listed paths.